IML Research

IML Research

Unbelievable! Lime Can Cure Diabetes?

Characteristics of Lime Plants  Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Swingle, commonly known as lime, is a plant species belonging to the genus Citrus and the family Rutaceae. This plant is characterized by its thorny shrubs or small trees, growing to a height…

Efficacy Testing for Floor Cleaners

Floors as a Source of Contamination Floors are a part of every building that we encounter daily, whether in homes, offices, or public facilities. As a surface frequently exposed to human activity, floors are prone to the accumulation of dirt,…

Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid for Skin

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Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid for Skin Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide compound composed of a long chain of water and sugar molecules. Its primary benefit to the skin is its ability to retain water within the cells, thus maintaining skin…

Efficacy and Safety Test of Baby Wipes Products

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Baby wipes are essential products used to clean the sensitive skin of infants, especially in the diaper area. Optimal hygiene helps prevent diaper dermatitis, which is often caused by excess moisture and irritation from urine or feces. Therefore, efficacy and…

Niacinamide VS Arbutin, which one is more effective?

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What is Arbutin? Arbutin has two diastereomers, alpha and beta arbutin, sharing the same chemical formula but differing in structure. Alpha arbutin exhibits more effective and stable tyrosinase inhibition activity compared to beta arbutin. Arbutin functions by inhibiting melanin synthesis,…

Probiotics and Fermentation for More Advanced Skin Care

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The cosmetic industry continues to evolve, relying heavily on biology and microbiology to develop innovative products. This multidisciplinary field has enabled the creation of ingredients that benefit skin health and care, such as antioxidants, bioactive compounds, natural fragrances, and natural…

Bright and Healthy Skin with Vitamin E

The Role of Vitamin E as an Antioxidant Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that protects polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in cell membranes from oxidation, regulates the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS), and modulates…

Latest Trends in the Perfume Industry!

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Various Perfume Aromas in the World Perfume is a liquid that provides a pleasant aroma and is used on clothing, the body, and room. Fragrances can generally be derived from natural, synthetic, and animal-based sources. Natural ingredients used in perfume…

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