Your Trusted Partner for Comprehensive Research, Testing, and Certification

Our Excellence in Testing and Research

IML Research is a company engaged in independent research, testing, and certification.

We are a leading company in the research of agricultural pesticide products, household pesticides, repellents, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, fertilizers, seeds, pesticide efficacy testing, and cable durability testing.

Additionally, we provide molecular biology services and consulting for various aspects of carbon trading.

Who Are we ?

Founded in 2020, IML Research is led by a team of leading experts in the field of Entomology, with Prof. Intan Ahmad, Ph.D., who holds a PhD in Entomology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.

We are also supported by Dr. Sri Yusmalinar, M.Si, M.M., who holds a Doctorate in Biology from ITB, as well as a team of experts from renowned institutions such as ITB, UNPAD, and IPB.

Our Commitment

We are committed to providing the highest quality assurance, prompt response, and expertise in our field.

With official authorization from the Ministry of Agriculture and ISO certification, we are ready to assist you with various research of agricultural pesticide products, household pesticides, repellents, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, fertilizers, seeds, pesticide efficacy testing, and cable durability testing.

Photo Of Female Scientist Working On Laboratory

Your Success is Our Priority

IML Research is determined to be your trusted partner, providing innovative solutions and result-oriented consultations to achieve mutual success.

person using laptop

Our Expert Team

Our team consists of researchers who are experts in their fields and have decades of experience in specific research areas. Our experts come from various renowned institutions, including ITB, UNPAD, and IPB. Research or testing activities at IML Research are under the responsibility of a principal investigator, Prof. Intan Ahmad, Ph.D.

Dr. Sri Yusmalinar, M.Si, M.M


  • Doctor of Philosophy from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).
  • Researcher at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).
  • Researcher at IML Research.
  • Researcher for several national and multinational companies.
  • Guest Lecturer at several Universities.

Prof. Intan Ahmad, Ph.D.


  • Professor of Entomology at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).
  • Ph.D. in Entomology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.
  • Expert in Entomology and General Biology.
  • Principal Investigator at IML Research.
  • Over 25 years of research and industrial experience.
  • Extensive collaboration with several national and multinational companies.

High-Quality Test Results

IML Research provides high-quality test results (comprehensive, accurate, and reliable) and superior consulting services. We achieve this through advanced analytical methodologies supported by experienced and credible experts.


Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia Decree number 282/KPTS/SR.330/M/06/2023 and ISO 9001:2015

Precision and Reliable Results

Our research methodology, in accordance with international standards, is carefully designed to minimize errors and maximize actionable insights.

Comprehensive Report Results

We translate data into actionable and convincing insights, helping you make the right decisions.

Reliable Research Team

Led by Prof. Intan Ahmad, Ph.D., who has over two decades of research experience on both national and international scales.


With extensive experience, our team of experts is ready to provide the best solutions for you.

Fast Response

Count on us to answer your questions quickly, allowing you to move forward with confidence.

- Partner Terbaik Anda Dalam Berbagai Uji Lab Untuk Keperluan Izin Edar Maupun Pengembangan Produk -


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