Petani Menyemprot Pestisida

Toxicity Testing

Toxicological testing encompasses various types of tests conducted to understand how certain chemicals can cause damage to organisms. This includes long-term and short-term studies, as well as various animal and cellular models to observe the toxic effects of a substance.

Toxicity testing is a series of tests and studies conducted to assess the potential toxicity or harmful effects of a substance on living organisms.

The primary goal of toxicity testing is to understand the extent to which a substance can cause damage, how that damage occurs, and at what dosage the substance begins to produce harmful effects.

This process is crucial to ensure the safety of products such as pesticides, repellents, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and various other products before they are used by humans or released into the environment.

Our Toxicity Testing Services

Acute Oral and Dermal Toxicity Testing

Acute oral and dermal toxicity testing are crucial methods in toxicology to assess the potential toxic effects of a substance or chemical product. These tests evaluate how dangerous a substance is when exposed through two primary routes: orally (through the mouth) and dermally (through the skin).

The information obtained from these tests helps understand the severity of toxic effects that may occur due to short-term exposure. These tests are usually conducted using animal models to ensure the safety and potential risks of a substance or chemical product.

Chronic Toxicity Testing

Chronic toxicity testing is a crucial stage in the safety assessment of chemical products such as pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, or consumer products. This testing aims to evaluate the long-term effects of exposure to these products on test animals over an extended period.

In the context of chronic toxicity testing, two types of tests can be conducted: oral (through the mouth) and dermal (through the skin).

Irritation Testing

Irritation testing is a standard procedure in toxicity and product safety to evaluate the potential irritation or adverse reactions of a substance or chemical product on the skin or eyes.

The primary goal of this test is to determine the level of potential irritation, so that the risk of irritation to humans or animals who may be exposed can be clearly identified. This testing is generally conducted using animal models to ensure accuracy and relevance of the results.

Sensitization Testing

Sensitization testing, also known as the Repeated Insult Patch Test (RIPT) or repeated skin irritation test, is a toxicological method to assess the potential of a chemical or product to cause allergic reactions or repeated skin sensitivity in humans.

This test aims to identify whether a substance can trigger unwanted skin reactions, such as allergic contact dermatitis, after repeated use. This testing is typically conducted using animal models to ensure accuracy in evaluating the potential for allergies and sensitivities.

Inhalation Testing

Inhalation testing is a toxicity method used to evaluate the potential hazards or risks of exposure to inhaled chemicals or particles by humans. This test aims to understand the health effects that may arise from inhaling certain substances, such as pesticides.

The testing is usually conducted using animal models to ensure the accuracy of results and to predict health risks to humans.

Fish Drug Toxicity Testing

Fish drug toxicity testing is a crucial stage in the research and development of medications for the treatment and care of aquaculture fish.

The goal is to assess the impact of the drug on the health and welfare of the fish, as well as to establish safe and effective dosages.

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