Beware : Storage Conditions Can Affect Cosmetic Quality

Packaging serves as a container or wrapping for a product that is not merely a “wrapper,” but has significant benefits. The functions of product packaging can be divided into two categories: protective and promotional functions. The protective function relates to maintaining the quality and stability of the product's contents over a specified period, while the promotional function refers to the consumer's attraction to the product as perceived through its unique and appealing packaging.

Product packaging classification is divided into several groups based on usage frequency, packaging system structure, packaging raw materials, and environmental protection properties. The importance of safe and hygienic packaging for cosmetic products is crucial in protecting the product contents from sunlight exposure, preventing oxidation, shielding against microorganisms, contamination, evaporation, temperature fluctuations, and pH changes. Another factor that can affect cosmetic quality, aside from packaging, is product placement. In both online and offline marketplaces, repackaging into smaller sizes is often encountered. The use of new packaging not originating from the manufacturer carries risks of contamination.

Person Holding A Hand Cream, uji kosmetik by pexel

BPOM Regulations Regarding Cosmetic Packaging Safety

Information regarding expiration dates, distribution license numbers (No. BPOM), product contents, and other critical information for consumers may become uncertain. According to Law No. 8 of 1999 Article 4 Letter C regarding consumer protection, it is stated that consumers have the “right to accurate, clear, and honest information about the condition of goods and/or services.” The importance of product-related information is a right that consumers must receive; failing to provide product information jeopardizes consumer safety and security. This is supported by Article 4 Letter A of the Consumer Protection Law, which states that consumers have the right to comfort, safety, and security in consuming goods and/or services.

Danger of Product Contamination in Share In Jar

Consumer factors in ordering and using share-in-jar products include lower prices and smaller quantities. These products are generally utilized by individuals who wish to try them out while being economical; however, there are dangers lurking if the new packaging is not sterile. Contaminants may include microorganisms, heavy metals, or unknown compounds that could be harmful to the skin. Such issues can arise from non-sterile product transfer processes, non-sterile new packaging conditions, and untested new packaging safety. Even though cosmetic products that have received distribution permits have passed stability tests, it cannot be guaranteed that the quality remains if the container changes, as such differences can lead to a decline in product quality or even transformation into hazardous substances.

The contents of a product may undergo oxidation reactions due to UV exposure and compound degradation due to microbial presence. Therefore, it is essential to educate the public on the importance of proper storage of cosmetic products to maintain their cleanliness and benefits. For instance, products should be stored in a cool place, away from direct sunlight, in a non-humid environment, with tightly sealed packaging, and using hygienic applicators. Products stored appropriately in hygienic conditions can last until their expiration date; conversely, improper use and storage can accelerate the decline in the quality of the contents. Henceforth, cosmetics should be placed in suitable locations, not transferred to other containers, and hygienic applicators should be utilized.

If you use cosmetic product packaging incorrectly, it poses a significant risk. As a producer, you must carefully choose the packaging for your cosmetic products. Don't forget to conduct regular testing for your cosmetic products at IML Research!

Author: Delfia

Reference :

Dermapack. 2024. Pentingnya Packaging Kosmetik dalam Membangun Persepsi Konsumen. Diakses pada 20 September 2024. Dapat diakses pada tautan

Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No. 8 Tahun 1999. Diakses pada 20 September 2024. Dapat diakses pada tautan 

Mayasari, Deasy. 2017. BPOM : Tak izin, Re-packing Produk Itu Bisa Dipidana. Diakses pada 20 September 2024. Dapat diakses pada tautan

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